How To

How to get the “This PC” icon on your desktop in Windows 10

If you’re like most people, your computer’s desktop is cluttered with icons representing different programs and files. To make things a bit more organized, you might want to add the “This PC” icon so that you can quickly access all the files and programs on your computer. Here’s how to do it!

What is the

If you want to get the “This PC” icon on your desktop in Windows, there are a few steps that you can follow.

First, open the Start menu and click on “Control Panel”.

Next, click on “Appearance and Personalization” and then click on “Personalization”.

On the right-hand side of the window, under “Display options”, you will see an option called “This PC”. Click on this option to open it.

In This PC window, you will see a list of all the devices that are connected to your computer. If you want to add a new device, such as a USB drive, simply click on the Add a device button and select the device from the list.

How to get

If you want to get the “This PC” icon on your desktop in Windows, there are a few steps that you need to take. First, open File Explorer and navigate to C:\Users\YourUserName> Pictures. Next, right-click on any picture and select “Set as background.” Finally, click on the “Properties” tab and select the “Desktop Icon” option.

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Tips for managing your computer using the

If you want to get the “This PC” icon on your desktop in Windows, there are a few tips that you can follow. First, make sure that your computer is properly configured. Second, make sure that all of your programs are installed correctly. Third, make sure that your files are organized correctly. Finally, use Windows search to find the correct file or program.

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Sometimes, we need to right-click on an item in the Start menu and select “Open with” to open it with a program other than the default Windows 10 programs. Unfortunately, the “This PC” icon for all of our files and folders is not always easy to spot. In this article, I’ll show you how to get the “This PC” icon on your desktop so that you can easily access all of your files and folders from anywhere in Windows 10.

Jane Rose

Jane Rose has over five years of experience in writing about technology, telecommunication, innovation, and mobiles news

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